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Opium Clippers

Free event

attori: Neja Tomšic


An intimate show that in the serenity of a meeting for “un tea” deals with a very complex and current, the relationship between two different cultures, between the West and the East. A visual arti...


Name: Neja Tomsic



Address: via moretto, 78 - 25121 Brescia (BS)

Neja Tomšič lavora come artista interdisciplinare e combina nel suo lavoro disegno, fotografia, poesia, performance e musica interpretando le storie che porta in scena; da punti di partenza connette e collega il tutto come se fossero mappe.

Title: Opium Clippers

Of: Neja Tomsic

Direction: Neja Tomšic

Dramaturgy: Neja Tomšic

Actors: Neja Tomšic

Genre: Figure

credits: An intimate show that in the serenity of a meeting for “un tea” deals with a very complex and current, the relationship between two different cultures, between the West and the East. A visual artist who through her creations, precious ceramic cups painted by hand, tells a little-known episode of history combining drawing, poetry and performance. The routes of the tea and opium trade, stories of power, conflicts, colonizations, events that often seem disconnected but that have unleashed important consequences for today’s economic policies.

An intimate show that in the serenity of a meeting for “un tea” deals with a very complex and current, the relationship between two different cultures, between the West and the East. A visual artist who through her creations, precious ceramic cups painted by hand, tells a little-known episode of history combining drawing, poetry and performance. The routes of the tea and opium trade, stories of power, conflicts, colonizations, events that often seem disconnected but that have unleashed important consequences for today’s economic policies.

Event organised by

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